Capt. Rick Stanczyk

2/8/17 February Florida Keys Backcountry Fishing

Great day again today I had Dan who fished with me last week and his buddies Dave and Mike.  It was glass calm and a gorgeous day.  We found a bunch of pilchards as we were pulling out of the dock and blacked the well out… great way to start!  We hit the gulf and caught the mackerels and snappers pretty well.  It wasn’t super red hot and took a bit of work, but caught probably 16 or 18 macks and some snappers.  The tide was weak, with clear water and flat calm conditions, can make the mackerels a little tricky.  After that we hit the channels to chunk up some dead bait and fish the big rods.  We found some tarpon and other big critters.  We caught a few sharks and a tarpon right off the bat, a nice 80 lb fish!  After that we caught a big ‘mud marlin’ sawfish, and had a couple others break us off under the boat.  Then we caught some more sharks, tried moving around to get back on the tarpon but they were being finicky at this point.  But was very glad to get one!  We then hit the shorelines of the mainland to try for a few snook to end the day.  The first stop was not very good but we did catch a nice jumbo trout.  The second stop however we caught about 5 nice snook and lost a couple others.  It was a great way to end the day and yes it’s very nice when everything you try to do on a fishing trip ends up working out!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

2/7/16 February Islamorada Fishing in the backcountry

Got out with Steve and Jim again today.  We focused on our light rod action fishing again and got some good dinner.  Plenty of mackerels early, and a few decent snappers off some gulf wreck structure as well.  Chopped pinfish chunks did the trick for the bigger snappers.  After that we looked for triple tails, but we didn’t see much only 1 tiny one.  We went inshore after that and caught a few trout and a nice pompano for Jim for dinner later.  After that we hit the mangrove islands to finish our limit of snappers, we got a few nice ones out of the trees on cut bait as well.  Plenty of action!  Tomorrow I may try for some tarpon, heard there had been a few around the last couple days and the temperatures are in that bottom realm of catch possibility.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

2/4/17 + 2/6/17 February Fishing Report Florida Keys

2/4/17 – Got out with Chase and Rhonda.  It was the swamp guides tournament, so I was a bit leary of staying out in the backcountry/everglades as there were gonna be a ton boats plus weekend warrior around.  We got out early and did hit a couple spots to catch Chase his first snook, we also got one other one, a redfish, and a black drum.  All while having about 40 boats go past us!  After that we hit the gulf and caught plenty of spanish mackerels, which was good action for Rhonda and what she wanted being a more novice fisher person.  When that was done, we caught a couple big monster bull sharks up to 300 lbs or so!  Looked for triple tails a little on the way home, but didn’t see any at all.  But all in all a great day with multiple varieties of fish.

2/6/17 – Had Steve and Jim some regulars of mine that always come this time of year.  They like to catch meat fish so we did just that.  Plenty of spanish mackerels, our limit of mangrove snappers, and some porgies as well.  The cooler was full!  We also caught a cool parrotfish, hogfish, and a few other odds in ends on the patch reefs.  Have them again tomorrow so may do a similar game plan but might spend some time looking for triple tails for them.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

2/3/17 February Fishing in Islamorada

Got out with Bill and Elaine today some of my regulars down from New York.  We mixed it up and tried for some snook this morning.  We got in on a good spot luckily first thing, not red hot but we were able to catch 5 fish there in about an hour, and a couple were larger fish.  Bill had the hot hand and caught them all including a nice 10-11 lber!  After that we tried a couple other spots without much luck, finally we caught 1 little snook in the 3rd stop.  Then decided to go try some other things.  We went into the gulf and saw a triple tail but unfortunately didn’t get him to eat and he seemed spooked after that and didn’t pay us any attention.  We tried a couple spots for mackerel but didn’t have a whole lot of luck, we were able to catch some jacks and lane snappers, but just little guys.  The mackerels were around they would follow the jigs on occasion, but weren’t biting.  I think if we had a bit more patience and time we would’ve caught a few.  After that we made a bathroom break on one of the islands in the bay, and then caught our limit of mangrove snappers for dinner.  All in all a good day, flat calm for most of it and I think that actually made fishing a little tougher.  Out again tomorrow hopefully it’s not too busy out there on the weekend!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

2/2/17 February Backcountry Islamorada Fishing Report

Got out for a full day with Dan today it was nice weather still on the chilly side but light north breeze this morning that laid out flat by the afternoon.  We had pretty high water first thing back in the everglades this morning and it was already starting to fall.  Fishing was a little tough back there I thought it would be much better with the temperatures on the upswing after getting cold a few days ago.  But it was really just a slow pick of fish but luckily enough for one guy.  After jumping around a few times early we found a few black drum, we caught about 4 and a few snappers in one spot.  After that we hit a few of the smaller creeks once the bugs died down.  Nothing in the first stop, then a little snook and decent redfish off the next spot.  After that we tried a few more areas, and nothing much but some schoolmaster snappers and a few catfish!  Eventually we caught one more nice redfish and that was about it for back there.  We made our way into the gulf to catch the end of the tide for the mackerels.  Found a couple small tripletail on the way and caught them for fun.  The mackerels bit pretty well it took a little bit to get them going, but we probably caught 8 or so including a couple on fly to finish the day up.  So all in all not red hot but enough good fish especially for one angler!  Hopefully it’ll get a little better I think i’m snook fishing tomorrow, may be tough duty but we’ll see.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk