Got out back on the water today after being down for most of the last week getting repowered. New motor is running great and it’ll make me sleep better at night knowing everything is in good working order as we get into the 2017 season! We ran out into the near gulf today, the winds laid down nicely to 10 mph after it was blowing 30 mph yesterday! We were suppose to fish then but decided to move it to today which turned out to be a great move. The spanish mackerel bite was as good as you wanted, we probably caught a couple dozen in about an hour, plus plenty of blue runners. Was hoping for some snappers for the table, but they didn’t want to bite. We could see a few swimming around in the chum, but we tried drifting shrimps and cut bait but got no response. Anyways we tried around some of the islands on the way home for snappers and the nasty algae water was where we stopped. We were able to pick away at some snappers, but they still weren’t biting great. Mostly little guys but we did end up with one nice 2 lber for the table. All in all a very productive morning half day. I have several days open this week and the weather looks awesome – flat calm and warm – so drop me a line if you want to get out!