Capt. Rick Stanczyk

10/5/23 October and the Fall Mullet Run!

Well we’re into October and it has started to really feel like Fall!  We had some good northeast wind earlier this week, and now it’s settled back down to 10-15mph northeast.  But the air is much dryer and has cool the bay temps down to low 80s.  Definitely feels like Fall here and you can see a lot of bait showing up with bird activity and all.  I went out today with my dad and we were on the hunt for big snook.  We found some early on and ended up catching a couple real nice sizes ones!  Drifting the pinfish on jigs did the trick.  After that we checked another area and found some more in a couple other spots, catching one off each.  The last stop a big shark was hanging around and the biggest snook of the day got under the boat, grabbed by the shark, but we managed pull her out of its mouth and landed the fish before it got eaten!  We took time to take the fish to a more protected area to release it, which it seemed to swim away fine even though it was scraped up from the shark teeth.  Gotta do what you can!  Anyways we saw quite a bit of bait around started with a huge ball of mullet right at the bridge when we left the dock, then off the mainland we saw several small mullet schools getting busted by fish, and one larger ball out off the beaches outside too.  That is typical of this time of year as it cools down up north and we get more northeasterly winds bringing all that bait down.  It’s a great time of year to fish and still on the quieter side as far as business goes, so I highly recommend it!  Give me a shout if you are interested in getting out there, we have availability!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

9/19/2023 Big Snooks were chewin’

Got out with pops today for a little fun fishing.  It was fairly calm with a light east breeze and falling tide most of the time we fished.  We went in search of large snook as we often do when I’m fishing with him.  We’ve been having fairly good luck as of late it’s nice to see these fish around in a somewhat consistent manner.  I’ve definitely put a lot of time and research into fishing for the big ones and they’re never a guarantee and I truly do appreciate every one we get to lay eyes on!  Anyways we started out with a bang and caught a decent size one and a smaller one in the first stop.  After that we tried a couple of areas with no love aside from a small goliath grouper.  Though the next stop we found a good group of fish.  Didn’t really notice any significant signs of them being there aside from getting thumped as soon as our bait got into the area we were trying to hit!  We caught a couple large fish and then I ended up hooking a monster that hit my pinfish while i was reeling it in to get it out of the way of another fish we had on!  Great fish and boy did she zip some line.  After that we had a shark get one and decided to leave that area alone for the rest of the time.  After that things more or less dried up though we did end up catching one more decent size fish on the way home, making it a total of 8 or so for the day, including a couple ‘jumbo’ size ones, which for larger size snook is really good!  We did not see much for tarpon life today though, I didn’t really try fishing for them but definitely had my eyes peeled as I’ll likely be doing that the next few days some as I have trips coming up.  Doesn’t mean they aren’t there but definitely not the big school I saw last week that was so productive.  Oh well hopefully tomorrow they’ll appear!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

9/11/2023 Banner tarpon fishing continues

Tarpon fishing continues to be red hot this September.  I fished a couple days back to back on the 10th and 11th.  We found a massive school of tarpon in the backcountry both days and had phenomenal fishing!  First day we actually stumbled into them while snook fishing.  Had quite a few bites and landed four fish.  Lots of action on our mullet and my regular customer Jeff had an awesome time.  The following day we looked around and didn’t see them in quite the same area, but a few miles south we saw a few splashing around as we drove by and sure enough it was them again!  Same thing lots of action on our mullet and it lasted for several hours.  Obviously I can’t say what’s going to happen from here on out but I think we’ll still have good tarpon fishing for a bit hopefully through October and maybe into early November even if it stays warm.  The mullet we use to catch these fish has been around too though not always easily catchable… but usually if we have a trip it’s not super busy so we’ll try to catch bait before hand if possible.  Same with fishing sometimes catching bait is all about being in the right place at the right time to catch it, and it can either be a ‘one and done’ throwing the net and catching 80 at once, or spending an hour throwing a bunch of times to come up with just a handful.  But good news is I just loaded up my cooler for my next few trips next week but if anything pops up in the meantime I’m ready!  Give me a shout if you want to get out this fall for tarpon or any other species we have captains ready and waiting to go.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina

9/4/2023 September Fishing in the Florida Keys!

Got out on a group trip and ran the boat myself along with another captain on our SeaCraft bay boat.  Capt. Stephen who runs my boat is out of town for September so I’ll be running a few trips this month but he’ll be back in October and that is an awesome time of year to fish with all the bait runs etc…  So we had a group of english gentlemen over for a couple days of fishing.  Day 1 on Sunday we caught pilchards early on.  Plenty of bait around and seems it’s been in a few different spots so that is always a good thing… getting good live bait can easily make or break your day.  We loaded up on a mix of sandy key and razor belly pilchards and then headed back into the backcountry.  We stuck around the Flamingo area as that’s been a little more consistent fishing as of late.  First stop we hit an island with the start of the falling tide.  Picked away on some snook it wasn’t red hot but not bad either probably caught a dozen or so in an hour or more, plus a juvenile tarpon.  Enough action to keep it interesting and tough enough to feel rewarding!  After that we tried another island which was really kind of dead.  We hooked one fish there but it got us into some structure I’m thinking likely a goliath grouper.  After that we decided to put the big gear out for some tarpon.  Sure enough we saw signs of tarpon in the first area we stopped… not tons of fish but just a splash and bust that I knew was the silver king.  We looked around and ended up marking some fish on the sonar.  We set up and about 20 minutes later a 100 lb fish goes airing out – got ’em on!  Unfortunately after about 30 seconds he went through the leader on us.  Doesn’t happen often but occasionally it does.  We shook it off and set back up and sure enough a small fish rolled right nearby so we moved in front of him and hooked up again pretty quick!  This fish we got boatside but couldn’t get pictures of unfortunately as he made one good run and got under the boat and popped off, but a technical release none the less.  After that we had about an hour left and we went and hit some channel runoffs on the bottom of the tide and caught another dozen or so snook.  So all in all a productive day!

Day 2 we focused on the big rods primarly.  The wind had really kicked up northeasterly and it was almost cool feeling.  The air really dried out and had that fall feel and the water temps are down around 81 now too.  Anyways we ran further back in the backcountry and found some tarpon again early on.  Again not big schools but a good solid handful and we got lined up on what we saw and had 3 bites and landed 2 fish.  Got good pictures of one this time!  We caught a few sharks as well including a big lemon shark which was fun.  Later on we ran back to flamingo and in the same area we had our tarpon action the day before we marked a little group of half a dozen fish.  Set up and after about 20 minutes – boom! – double header!  We landed both fish and got a cool picture which was awesome and made these guys trip for sure!   After that we caught a couple of juvenile goliath groupers on our pinfish and had a couple more break us off on structure, but nice way to end the day there too.

September can be great fishing here don’t be fooled.  It’s also the slowest time of year with business so flights are cheaper, hotels are cheaper, you can get in all the good resturants… lots of upsides to coming here in September and October!  I may take a few more trips this month and Capt. Steve will be on the helm again in October.  The SeaCraft is also available this month as well so give us a call if you want to get out!

Capt. Rick Stanczyk
Instagram: @richardstanczyk
Facebook: Islamorada Tarpon Fishing
YouTube: Bud n’ Mary’s Marina